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Meet Elliot: An AED with an Intelligent Design

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  • Meet Elliot: An AED with an Intelligent Design

BlackHägen Design helped develop an intelligent, intuitive, indestructible, lightweight, affordable, and reliable automated external defibrillator (AED). This new AED is the beginning of a lifesaving ecosystem.

Intelligent. Elliot automatically alerts emergency medical services when paired with a phone. It also detects a heart rhythm and only shocks if needed. Elliot streams the data from the device to an app to create the best possible outcome.

Intuitive. Elliot gives step-by-step instructions to help the user. Options include a language choice and more.

Indestructible: Cold or hot weather will not bring Elliot down. It is designed to protect critical components.

Lightweight. Elliot fits in a purse. It’s designed by usability experts for portability. Elliot only weighs 1.3 pounds with the battery and pads (included.)

Affordable. Elliot is significantly less than other AED’s yet still offers superior features. Life before profit.

Reliable. Elliot uses easy to find store bought batteries. When the battery gets low, Elliot has device and app alerts.

Not FDA Approved

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