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HFES Workshop: “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me: Methods of Contextual Inquiry”

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  • HFES Workshop: “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me: Methods of Contextual Inquiry”

Sean Hägen & Keith Karn will be presenting at HFES International Symposium 2022 in New Orleans March 20th, 2022 from 8am to 5pm on the workshop “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me: Methods of Contextual Inquiry”.

Contextual inquiry includes observation and interviewing techniques originally developed by anthropologists. These techniques can help us gain insights about people, the products and systems that they use, the tasks they are trying to accomplish, and the environments (physical, social, & technical aspects) in which they live and work. This workshop is a concentrated course on how to conduct contextual inquiry to have the greatest positive impact on the development of medical devices and healthcare systems. Specifically, the course will cover how to plan and execute a study and how to analyze, synthesize, and translate findings from contextual inquiry in the healthcare domain. The FDA and IEC have recognized the inherent value of contextual inquiry as an integral part of developing medical devices and successful user experiences. Many products and systems have benefited greatly from applying contextual inquiry during the generative concept and feasibility phases of product and system development. This workshop will cover applying contextual inquiry in both clinical and home environments.

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