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The Art of Contextual Inquiry in Medical Device Design
Want to know the dos and don’ts of medtech design? Then you must listen to this all-new episode of Let’s Talk Medtech featuring BlackHägen Design’s Philip Remedios and Renee Bailey.
Want Fresh Views on Your Development? Send Your R&D Out
Outsourcing your research and development can help streamline operations and offer a fresh perspective.
Complex healthcare systems present optimization opportunities
Guided by usability experts, a workflow design process can be developed that exemplifies best practices and leads to the optimization of the continuum of care.
Minimally invasive device technology and surgery are becoming accepted practices in modern healthcare. But where is it going?
Since the turn of the century, advancements in capability using Minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques have been nothing short of miraculous.
Designing Safer Patient-Operated Medical Devices
There are real benefits to rigorously integrating human factors engineering —or usability design—into the development of patient or end user operated devices used in home-based healthcare and wearables for real-time monitoring and drug delivery.