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The Art of Contextual Inquiry in Medical Device Design
Want to know the dos and don’ts of medtech design? Then you must listen to this all-new episode of Let’s Talk Medtech featuring BlackHägen Design’s Philip Remedios and Renee Bailey.
Addressing the Challenges of Designing Instructional Materials
In this podcast, Renee discusses how human factors and instructions for use go hand-in-hand in the medical device sector.
Foundational Human Factors Engineering Concepts for the Design of Combination Products
Involved in designing and developing devices for combination drug and delivery products? Learn more about how HFE plays an integral part.
The Influence of Aesthetics on Usability Engineering
How a medical product’s impression enables usability has scientific premises in human factors/usability engineering (UE) and industrial design.
Unlocking Success in Medical Device Design and Compliance
Today’s necessity to reduce healthcare costs is generating a greater demand for medical electronics equipment that improves and expands patient diagnostics inside and outside healthcare facilities.