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The Art of Contextual Inquiry in Medical Device Design
Want to know the dos and don’ts of medtech design? Then you must listen to this all-new episode of Let’s Talk Medtech featuring BlackHägen Design’s Philip Remedios and Renee Bailey.
Want Fresh Views on Your Development? Send Your R&D Out
Outsourcing your research and development can help streamline operations and offer a fresh perspective.
Unlocking Success in Medical Device Design and Compliance
Today’s necessity to reduce healthcare costs is generating a greater demand for medical electronics equipment that improves and expands patient diagnostics inside and outside healthcare facilities.
Machine Design’s Tribute to Sean Hägen
Machine Design sends its condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Sean Hägen, the co-principal, founder and director of research and synthesis at BlackHägen Design.
Sean Hägen quoted in Design Engineering’s March Issue
In Digital Engineering’s March Issue cover story about VR and AR in robotic design, Sean Hägen shared his insights.